Untold Narratives (2020 – 2024)

Rising After the Fall

Using diary excerpts recorded during the fall of Kabul by Afghan women writers in Untold’s Paranda network, ‘Rising After the Fall, Afghan Women Share Their Stories’ gives children aged 8-12 a compelling snapshot of what happened. Each chapter provides children with a better understanding of life in Afghanistan as the country was retaken by the Taliban. Published by Scholastic in October 2023, and illustrated by Afghan artist Sara Rahmani.

A Fistful of Moonlight: New Fiction from Assam

A Fistful of Moonlight: New Fiction from Assam’ is an anthology of contemporary short stories by writers from Untold’s Write Assamese project, published by MacLehose Press in the UK and BEE Books in India. A collection of fourteen stories that explore love, identity, politics, fantasy and a fresh take on an age-old fairy tale, it transports readers into the heart of contemporary writing from Assam. It is a companion volume to My Pen Is the Wing of a Bird: New Fiction by Afghan Women – the first anthology of short fiction by Afghan women writers from Untold’s Paranda network.

Write Afghanistan 

For the project Write Afghanistan, Untold’s team of international editors and translators work with local women writers to develop their creative writing, connect them to one another, share their stories with readers in their own languages, and reach new global audiences in translation.

Write Afghanistan focusses on local, and particularly women’s perspectives  to understand the region’s upheaval.

selection of the writings have been published in My Pen Is the Wing of a Bird: New Fiction by Afghan Women that is the first collection of its kind, published by MacLehose on 17 February 2022.

About Untold 

Untold Narratives is a development programme for writers marginalised by community or conflict. We work together to help writers develop work; share their stories with wider communities in their own languages, and grow global audiences in translation. We also connect and support emerging literary editors and translators, to contribute to the development of local cultural landscapes.